How To Purchase SR-22 Insurance

If you have been charged with DWI or another major traffic violation, the state of Missouri will require you to purchase an SR-22 filing also known as SR-22 insurance. An SR-22 filing is filed with the Department of Revenue and proves to the state that you are carrying at least the minimum amount of auto coverage as required by Missouri law.


If a Missouri court orders you to purchase SR-22 coverage, you can use an insurance broker like STL Insurance Stop for your SR-22 filing. We will shop the top rated insurance carriers to find you the lowest rate on SR-22 coverage. Our insurance brokers will file your SR-22 with the Missouri Department of Revenue so you can drive legally.


You must have at least state-minimum auto insurance before your SR-22 is filed. If you do not currently have auto insurance, we will shop the major insurance providers to find you cheap auto insurance. Once you are no longer required to hold an SR-22 filing you can cancel your SR-22 filing, but you will still be required to have auto insurance to drive legally.


If you are required to hold an SR-22 filing, call us today at (314) 475-5637 for a free quote!